What is the
The VirtualRoadShow.online APP delivers A-list, world-class
Presenters from the Fitness Industry weekly (Thursday 6pm GMT).
They are either streamed LIVE or recorded and then
archived in the Presenters Portal, within the APP.
All of the Presenters previous content is also archived there.
We also produce Full Day Conferences that are streamed LIVE
and recorded; of course, these are archived as well.
All of this is supported by many of the Fitness Brands
that you probably already have in your Club or Centre.
As a client of one of these brands you can get it all for free.
Just check the Sponsors Portal and contact your local agent to get your code.
Otherwise the APP is a subscription.
Subscription Info & Rates
As a Subscriber to the VirtualRoadShow.online you receive:
Free, Priority attendence to LIVE Roadshows
Weekly Presentations by one of our Speakers Bureau Presenters
Either LIVE or Recorded​
Different Topics every week - delivered Thursday at 6pm GMT​​
​​Access to the Speakers Bureau Library​
Archived Presentations by our Speakers ​
Direct links to the Speakers
Access to the Sponsors Portal​
Some of the Sponsors offer special rates to Subscribers​
Sponsors have special rates to Subscribe - Contact them Direct!
Direct links to the Sponsors
One RoadShow* £2
One Club - ALL Staff​ * £5
Chain (under 10 Clubs) - ALL Staff* £10
Chain (over 10 Clubs - All Staff * £20
Association (includes All Clubs & Staff)* £50​
*NOTE: Only includes the one RoadShow.
To Convert to a Subscriber; the same rates apply,
but need to be paid monthly by Direct Debit
for a minimum period of one year,
at which time it becomes
a month-to-month agreement.
Subscribers get
Full Access to the Library
and other entitlements listed above.
Sponsorship Opportunities
What do you get as a Sponsor?
Unlimited FREE Codes for ALL of your installations and Clients worldwide
Helping them grow their business; so, they can buy more products.​
Listing in the Sponsors Portal​
Great exposure for your brand​
You can have descriptions, pictures, videos of your products.
We have the ability communicate with ALL of the Subscribers - directly through the APP
Every week we download a new presentation brining NEW viewers to your Portal
VirtualRoadShow.LIVE discounts​
When we produce a LIVE RoadShow you get preferred access and discounts
Sponsorship is a fixed price for one year and is limited; but is paid monthly, with NO contract!​